Thursday, September 20, 2007

you'll probally hate this...but

When you are writing something that has these so called rules attached to it. Do you feel like you can only truly write it in a certain place in a certain frame of mind? Like this seems stupid but the idea of this thing this body of words that will go through you as having its own personality which may be shaped by the way you are literally constructing it. Try writing a poem in a grimy dim internet cafe with a guy looking up porn next to you. This probably seems really obvious but its not so much the whole geography of it all i'm thinking about but more the context and rules that the body of writing builds up around itself before you even write it, or maybe its the lack of rules that makes it difficult.

im·plic·it [im-plis-it] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.implied, rather than expressly stated: implicit agreement.
2.unquestioning or unreserved; absolute: implicit trust; implicit obedience; implicit confidence.
3.potentially contained (usually fol. by in): to bring out the drama implicit in the occasion.
4.Mathematics. (of a function) having the dependent variable not explicitly expressed in terms of the independent variables, as x2 + y2 = 1. Compare explicit (def. 5).
5.Obsolete. entangled.

ex·plic·it [ik-splis-it] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal: explicit instructions; an explicit act of violence; explicit language.
2.clearly developed or formulated: explicit knowledge; explicit belief.
3.definite and unreserved in expression; outspoken: He was quite explicit as to what he expected us to do for him.
4.described or shown in realistic detail: explicit sexual scenes.
5.having sexual acts or nudity clearly depicted: explicit movies; explicit books.
6.Mathematics. (of a function) having the dependent variable expressed directly in terms of the independent variables, as y = 3x + 4. Compare implicit (def. 4).

So i read that this was the dominant model for understanding literature. but it is also the way my class dealt with the project :write your own manifesto. It was kind of like expecting a bunch of ten year olds to write the script for a porn movie.

The more i think about it the more i kind of hate mine. Just because even though it drips with irony its still just kind of empty words. The whole critique i just felt like sinking into the couch through indifference the manifesto is having an anti-effect, its fucking grand expectations are wearing away and just making me want to dumb everything down a bit. You know i don't really know if this is a good ideas or not but thats just it, its not about having a good idea or being right, there is no right. It pisses me off this whole right, good, talented thing. Exhausting yourself from trying to be so GOOD but what is this good you are trying to get too, is it your good or everyone else's? I was thinking today sometimes it is difficult to differentiate what you or people actually like and what they think they should like or do or whatever.

In this reading we got it says "The idea of winging it is very DDD" which is like sometimes when i feel like i'm getting ahead of myself but being told its good to be ahead of yourself. This winging state can be the best way to be, not in the exhausted chase, like just pretend your well read and awesome. This could be beneficial in your approach to work. Especially if you get sideffects from drugs just by reading the sideffects even if they don't really exsist. You know what that things called. Its very white noise. God. had to reference that because thats all i can think of when they go into the airbourne toxic event and hear the symptoms on the radio. I get that, so if i read about the side effects of design i'll think i have them too.

Also its like DDD has become like its description of Zeta-Jones. Maybe i'm winging it with this whole DDD thing but i feel as if its this lingering mystic sense. Its like it has become a style in itself, you can make a converstaion very DDD and of course a piece of writing, can you make design itself very DDD? I guess its odd because they are taking about everything inbetween actual designed objects. Should i even be talking about this, i'm winging it right now with this whole thing. Making observations on something maybe i don't even grasp and it is very comical or confusing to someone who has been around the block.
i love that expression.

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